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Kandungan anda sedang diadaptasikan kepada jenis perniagaan anda



Roasted Chicken Marination

  • Ayam keseluruhan 1.0 pc
  • Vegetable Oil 40.0 g
  • Black Pepper 5.0 g
  • Knorr Stok Ayam 500G 3.0 g

Creamy Kantan Buttermilk Sauce

  • Mentega 50.0 g
  • Red Onion paste 50.0 g
  • Pes Bawang Putih 25.0 g
  • Pes Serai 25.0 g
  • Green Chili Padi (paste) 15.0 g
  • Curry Leaf 5.0 g
  • Bunga Kantan (Gingerflower) (mince) 50.0 g
  • Air 200.0 ml
  • Santan 100.0 ml
  • Susu Isian Sejat 80.0 ml
  • Gula 15.0 g
  • Knorr Stok Ayam 500G 15.0 g

Rendang Sauce

  • Mentega 50.0 g
  • Red Onion paste 30.0 g
  • Pes Bawang Putih 20.0 g
  • Ginger Paste 20.0 g
  • Pes Lengkuas 20.0 g
  • Pes Serai 40.0 g
  • Turmeric (blend into paste) 20.0 g
  • Chili Paste 70.0 g
  • Dessicated Coconut Paste 50.0 g
  • Air 500.0 ml
  • Santan 150.0 ml
  • Knorr Stok Ayam 500G 20.0 g
  • Gula Merah 70.0 g



  1. Roasted Chicken Marination

    • Mix all ingredient to marinate over the chicken.
    • Roast in the oven at 175C for 30minutes.
  2. Creamy Kantan Buttermilk Sauce

    • Melt butter, saute minced ingredients with curry leaf and bunga kantan.
    • Add in water and evaporated milk. Stir well and bring to boil.
    • Season to taste.
  3. Rendang Sauce

    • Melt butter and sauted all paste ingredients.
    • Add in water, coconut milk and dessicated coconut.. Stir well and bring to boil and thick.
    • Season to taste.
  4. Assemble

    •  Plating the whole roasted chicken in the carving board for carving station and served with kantan buttermilk sauce and creamy rendang sauce.